31 - On Roobarbs, Richard Baker follows up on his post from 2011:
“Listening to the commentary for A Bargain of Necessity last night (Toby Hadoke in conversation with Philip Morris and Paul Vanezis), and suddenly a small light goes on in my head. Back at work today, I summon up the paperwork from two years ago, and, sure enough, the customer's called Philip Morris. Mystery finally solved. I love a happy ending, don't you?
As an aside, on Episode Six's commentary, Toby
notes 'the pun that is Prisoners of Conciergerie'. Am I missing
something cleverer than just a play on 'prisoners of conscience'?...”
A member known as fanoofez, whom some believe
to be Richard Bignell, quickly responds:
“Philip had spent some time physically checking through everything in the Zambian archive with BBC accreditation. A few things were sent back I understand (none of it Doctor Who as they didn't have anything), most of it was already at the BBC, although I think a lost edition of The Sky at Night was among the material and clips from it were transmitted on the programme a short time later, as Paul Vanezis was working on the series at the time.”
16-17 At the Gallifrey One convention in the USA, members of the Restoration Team state that one Philip Morris has been scouring Africa searching for missing episodes of archive television. (This info from a poster on Planet Skaro forums). This announcement to the general public comes almost six years after the PM-led recovery effort began.
21 - Doctor Who Magazine's 'The First Doctor - The Missing Episodes' - a special edition featuring a collection of telesnaps from missing episodes - is issued in the UK.
13 - Kasterborous.com reacts to the BC article, stating that it's a 'shame that another major leak has occurred'; also, that they knew about the rumours in November 2012.
14 – Aintitcool.com (AIC) posts what seems to be largely an echo of the original BleedingCool.com post.
On the rumour thread on Roobarbs, JamieWho posts to say that Bleeding Cool has “half the story right from what I’ve heard” and that “the amount of film cans found in Africa is massive”. Site runner Julian K posts saying that he has been hearing “interesting rumours for almost two years, from some people you [would] think would know”.
When queried about his post, Julian K replies that he has known about the casting of Doctors, companions, and missing episode returns before they happened because of “who he knows”.
Still on Roobarbs on this date, and member Lee G Mansfield says “he heard about [the large find rumours] months ago from very reliable sources” and that the delay in announcing it has been due to “either tricky negotations or a deliberate delay…until the anniversary”.
Further, he says that “most of Hartnell and quite a few full Troughton stories” have been found.
Meanwhile, member David John Parker cites a rumour about “60 film cans” being found that might contain some missing Doctor Who.
Then, JamieWho resurfaces to say that he didn’t believe the rumours when they first started, but then “several people who have responsible jobs related to Who confirmed stuff had been found”. Then someone who is not a fan but someone he respects very much provided “confirmation” and so he started to believe the rumours.
JamieWho also says that rumours of The Tenth Planet, Power and Evil being found are incorrect but that the upcoming Mark Gatiss special will feature footage from the recovered Marco Polo.
15 – BC posts Reaction to those Doctor Who lost episode rumours.
15 - DWO posts their take on the rumours, and state that they too have been approached "by several high-profile sources" - these sources allegedly confirm that a recovery has occurred, but they differ as to the number of episodes found.
16 – Some of the first tweets relating to missing episodes on Ian Levine's (IL) Twitter feed are:
Then later...
"I too wanted to believe that 90 episodes had been found. I now believe none have been found. A massive hoax."
This seems to be where the “90” recovered episodes rumour begins. However it seems this is also where the fear begins to set in that this all may be a massive hoax. The waters begin to get muddy…
17 – BC posts More on those Missing Doctor Who
Episodes…or Less.
Meanwhile on Roobarbs, member pianist posts:
“Well I just this minute received an interesting e-mail from someone trustworthy and let's just say, the Classic DW DVD range will not be coming to an end as early as planned.”
“I have been categorically told that 3
serials have found their way back to the archives, thanks to Caroline Skinner.
The 60/90/44/42 is probably rubbish, but the gains from what I've been told
would be 17 episodes. It's not completely bonkers to think 17 may have been
“7+5+5 from what I've been informed. That leaves a small choice, doesn't it!”
And finally:
“Well if what I have been told is true, they haven't just been found, they are actually already back in the archives.
Fans will later realise that this refers to Marco Polo, Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear; however the count for the latter is reduced to 4 after episode 3 goes missing (again).
From Ian Levine on Twitter:
two years all that's been returned are two fucking Sky at Nights. Big
And this:
"…I was told that if it’s true it’s 90. And 90
missing Dr Who episodes ARE REALLY NOT TURNING UP."
And this:
And this:
“Look, I DO believe no episodes have been
found,based on what certain people told me at the BFI. But I suppose they could
have lied to my face.”
Ian then goes into more detail about what he was told, in three posts which I will link below:
answer loads of comments online, the rumour I heard from an impeccable source
was eight thousand BBC film cans containing (continued)…”
ninety missing Who episodes which would complete 21 missing stories. Plus
duplicates or most of what exists. Leaving 16 missing (cont…
(cont) But however amazing that may sound, however
much we all wish for it to be true, I now don't believe a word of it. But it's
90 if true”
There’s this about Ian’s connection to Philip Morris:
one thing you don't know is that the person came to me first, ten years ago,
and it was ME who got him the paperwork to go search. TRUTH”
And this about what Pianist has been saying on Roobarbs:
“…He is claiming only 3 full stories have been found. But if the rumour is true, 21 missing stores have been found. He's wrong”
Meanwhile on Roobarbs, pianist posts again to say that this is definitely not a friend of a
friend rumour, nor made-up, nor a hoax but a legitimate report of missing
episodes now back. He also confirms what member Steeeev surmises: that
the 17 is Marco, Enemy and Web and that some additional stray episodes have been found such as
episode 3 of The Space Pirates.
19 - The very next day, this massive backflip from IL on Twitter:
This:"I don’t know for certain. Maybe it’s 89. Maybe it's 91. But several sources independant (sic) to each other all told me 90 for years."
This: "I am so fucking utterly speechless, I have no idea how I am going to sleep tonight. I was utterly wrong, but I was lied to, yes barefaced lied to."
This:“Ohh I knew I'd have to come back and answer this. The 3 tons proof is from 2011.But he's been back TEN TIMES since then and found more stuff”
This:“Right now I'm holding on to the proof + not leaking it publicly. But I assure you I have proof of 3 tons of film cans arriving”
This:"Just three serials is a bad joke. There are literally three tons of film cans and that's just from 2011. I have the actual proof".
This:"Final word for tonight. If someone confided in me I would never be discussing this. But they lied + I found the proof so under no obligation."
And finally this:
“You have to study every word Paul Vanezis says
with a magnifying glass. He'd make the world's all time best politician.”
On the same day, the Radio Times website reports on the 90+ rumour, stating that in addition to Philip Fleming's comments a BBC 'spokeswoman' also claims there are no new finds 'as far as she is aware'. The tone of the article seems to hint that the writer doesn't quite buy that.
BBC America’s Anglophenia also report on the rumours.
I don’t have a direct link for the original post, but on Roobarbs member
Frankymole supplies the following quote from Paul Vanezis on MEF:
“…let this be the final, sensible remark on the matter. The only way this will be resolved is if the BBC decide to make a statement. They won't be doing that here, so if anyone wants to speculate about this ridiculous situation, you can do it elsewhere.
This is clearly not a denial of the rumours, despite members on Roobarbs calling for a statement one way or the other from the Restoration Team.
Meanwhile on Roobarbs, Robert Mammone makes a comment on the searates entry – that according to a friend of his the port mentioned, Odudu, appears not to be a typical Nigerian port at all but is in fact an oil terminal – more precisely, it is “an offshore floating terminal…a Floating Production Storage and Offshore (FPSO) facility”.
And Rob’s friend is correct – Odudu is not a conventional port at all.
See http://ports.com/nigeria/odudu-terminal/
Later, Roobarbs member simonsimmons quotes a post on GB (no direct link to the original, and not sure who posted):
Hi David
In a couple of days time, maybe this weekend,
a BIG announcement may be made about more missing episodes. The rumour may stop
being just that. An interesting article found in the "Bleeding Cool"
website has just been recently posted and brought to my attention.
The news is 90 episodes of missing Doctor Who
has been uncovered. What will REMAIN MISSING are "Mission to the
Unknown" and the 9 episodes of "Daleks Masterplan", Episodes 2
and 3 of "The Ice Warriors", 2 episodes of "The Wheel in
Space" (the found ones have not been disclosed) and Episodes 1 and 4 of
"The Invasion". It doesn't stop there.
Recovery of existing episodes have also been
returned, some of which are reportedly BETTER quality and UNCUT prints of
previous discovered missing whos such as "The Time Meddler" and
"The War Machines". One might presume, a complete print of Galaxy
Four Ep.3 now resides or soon will reside in the archives, let alone those
other Who episodes cut by the Australian censors.
It is believed that the BBC retain complete
copies right now of "Marco Polo", "The Savages", "Evil
of the Daleks", "Enemy of the World" and "Web of
All of this material has been recovered from a
cycling hub in Uganda containing 8000 cans of BBC material part of which make
up missing Doctor Who's. Also returned are the remaining missing episodes of
Dad's Army, Morecombe and Wise, Out of the Unknown and more as yet undisclosed.
If this includes 70's era BBC shows, then one wonders if colour Pertwee's have
also turned up?
Ian Levine has tweeted he has seen three tons
of evidence and now supports the rumour and further adds that those in the know
who have denied this in the past have told him bare faced lies.
Why the secrecy? Well, the BBC has had to pay
big time for this stuff, and the last thing they need is a greedy collector who
is willing to pay twice as much to whatever organisation has been holding onto
this material.
Whether the BBC has scored EVERYTHING back is
still yet to be disclosed however, the process of negotiating and proprieting
their return has been in excess of about two years. Which is interesting
because that's when proportions of this rumour began.
Commentary tracks for missing Who adventures
have also been recorded including Peter Purves on "The Savages",
Michael Troughton and Anneke Wills on "Power of the Daleks", Anneke
Wills and Frazer Hines on "The Underwater Menace", Frazer Hines and
Michael Troughton on "The Moonbase", Michael Troughton, John Levene,
Frazer hines and Deborah Watling on "The Web of Fear", and I think
also their was a report some time back on a commentary being made by Hines on
Note also that the 2Entertain proposed
projects to animate missing who's were pulled this past April and the Doctor
Who magazines' pulling of the two proposed publications of the Troughton John
Cura telesnaps.
Purchasing of the missing material has been
funded by the new Doctor Who series office AND NOT BBC Enterprises or the
restoration arm of the Doctor Who releases which is why people such as Paul
Vanezis and company have been completely in the dark.
It is also said that BBC4 will screen the
missing material in November as part of the Doctor Who 50th celebrations but
even I remain sceptical on such a marathon broadcast of 90 missing episodes.
Needless to say, a massive rescheduling is on
the cards for 2 Entertain and curious things may happen regarding the proposed
two disc release of "The Tenth Planet" this coming November. Dan Hall
did say he wanted to release his "dream release" at Whovention
earlier this year. Many of those in attendance including myself assumed he was
talking about releasing the story in complete form with Part 4 animated and
maybe a surprise animation of "Power" Part 1 or the lot. Not the real
As an official announcement is yet to be made,
I'm sure the forum sites will be exploding over the next few days.
Remember, I've said something was going on for
well over a year now. Heed the Nimon when he speaks or forever throw eggs at
his direction if nothing comes to pass.
Be excited, very excited. I wouldn't send this
if the rumours weren't solidifying at such a terrific rate!!
A few key points:
- The Restoration Team are out of the loop because PM has liaised directly with the Doctor Who production office (Caroline Skinner)
- The hub was in "Uganda"
- The Power of the Daleks will be animated (which it was, in 2017)
(Note: the hyperlink embedded above does not seem to be working but
direct link follows: https://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/06/20/doctor-who-episodes-they-are-not-missing-but-destroyed-the-end)
The full, original statement from Morris via the T.I.E.A. Facebook page read:
some people but these are the facts.I have also become aware of the tracking of
some of our clients shipments these are local cultural materials sent to us for
migration to a modern format as the playback equipment in the country of origin
no longer exists and as such is the best road to preserve international
cultural heritage .I will be making no more statements on this subject.Philip
MORRIS Executive director T.i.e.a
And in a now deleted tweet, Ian Levine reportedly responded with …”broken hearted, all hope gone from the world”.
"I have lost some very close friends through discussing all these rumours. I find that unbearable and so, despite my excitement I'm ending it."
"Ending ALL discussion of it on Twitter."
Meanwhile on Roobarbs, JamieWho reports that his source told him that the huge haul of material was found at “an old BBC duplication plant in Africa”. JamieWho speculates that this plant may have been linked to TIE.
21 – In the wake of the statement from Morris, on Roobarbs member
pianist posts:
“The wealth of evidence I personally had did not involve TIEA, but it seems that some of it would be completely dismissed after the TIEA statement. What is particularly sad is the fact that a large number of people who would know about these matters have been misinformed or just lied to, and other people who have gained information through them. Worse still, they've all been hung out to dry by this. I was certain of the 17 episodes given "facts" which have not been disclosed on here, GB, ME or other forums. I am very annoyed right now and this has left a rotten taste in many people's mouths.
I guess we'll find out later whether this was
crossed wires, intentional mis-information creating a shit storm, or a pure and
simple hoax. I suspect that various factors are to play here.”
And later:
“What hasn't been made clear is why Moffat
instructed people not to discuss this rumour any further. I understand the
Philip Morris angle, but there are still unanswered questions with regards to
this whole affair. For example, this 90 episode business appeared relatively
late on, and seemed to gather credence once Ian made his Twitter comments. But
prior to that, I hadn't heard it mentioned at all, and I talk to a fair few
people privately about this.”
And member SoapSuds posts that it was never going to be 90, but he thinks we still might be surprised come November and that we haven’t heard the last of this…
But then to keep the rumours steaming along, Roobarbs member mariocki posts that at An Evening With Derren Nesbitt at the Cinema Museum in London (of all things), which took place back on 25 May, host Jonathan Rigby said we’d all be seeing one of his pieces of work, Marco Polo by the end of the year! (Nesbitt played the villainous Tegana, a Mongol warlord.)
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