Wednesday, 25 January 2023

2023 - January to October



2 - The Mirror reports that The Smugglers and The Underwater Menace will have their missing episodes animated for BluRay and DVD release.

13 - On Caprona, member iank relates a rumour doing the rounds that the animation for The Smugglers DVD release was cancelled because the episodes had been found.

17 - On the Hive Redux Forum, iank re-states the rumour about The Smugglers


9 - On PMF, member Ace Leslie reports that the Radio Times has an article of the recovery of the sole missing episode of The Navy Lark. This classic BBC radio show starred former third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, in a comedic role.

20 - Responding to a query from a fan about whether The Smugglers/The Underwater Menace animations are still on track, David Bickerstaff tweeted that he was told back in 2007 by Derek Ware that The Smugglers was shown at a Bad Wolf convention in Australia to fans in attendance!

28 - On PMF, member EvilDalek93 reports that Chris Perry of Kaleidoscope has announced a special Doctor Who event for their 35th anniversary at the Midlands Arts Centre on 29 July 2023. Intriguingly, Chris says that he can't post any details until the BBC "clears the material"!

Even more intriguingly, on GB member djbawbag posts a shot from the Facebook thread, where when queried Chris replies that they "have to get all the permissions sorted first", and that he cannot comment further because it relates to a "sensitive subject".

To round off the day, on Twitter David Brunt makes this circuitous statement:

"To the people expecting this Kaleidoscope screening is every missing episode. Stop deluding yourself. 

Go into it with the expectation it's NOT going to be a missing episode.

Just expect the least and if it's more then you won't have yourself to blame in being disappointed."


1 - On Roobarbs, Greg Bakun posts that he is helping Chris with the Kaleidoscope event and that he regrets that anything was posted about it at all! Greg asserts that the event does not relate to missing episodes of Doctor Who and that Chris Perry is not up to speed with what's missing from the archives.

2 - On GB, Knux reports that Chris Perry has said that the Who material to be shown will not be anything that's already been seen on DVD or on YouTube.

13 - On MEF, Richard Bignell confirms that all the classic seasons will be released in the blu-ray Collection series. It begs the question how will the seasons most under-represented in the archives - seasons 3 and 4 - will be presented in the sets.

18 - On Twitter, DWAS announce a special event celebrating half-missing serial, The Crusade, on 21 May 2023.


2 - The Something Who Podcast publishes its omnirumour edition (part 1). Featured guest Tim Burrows says he was told back in the day that "episodes had been found all over the place", and to distract from what was going on with Philip Morris in Africa information was being put about that archive buildings (such as in Sierra Leone) had been destroyed - despite there being no evidence of these destructions being found.

4 - The second part of Something Who the omnirumour edition drops, and Tim clarifies that the alleged The Power of the Daleks screening was in fact, he believes, a screening of Enemy, Web or both. 

Tim drops another bombshell - that after Giles and himself went to the reveal of Peter Capaldi in late 2013, at the pub afterward with certain people "of great reputation", they alluded to the existence of "a letter" promising to hand over Marco Polo. It's not clear who might have written such a letter.

Tim also explains why he came to be labelled a "naysayer" on the forums - in mid-2013 he spoke to someone who had spoken to "a Doctor Who producer" who said that 88 missing episodes had been found. But in February or March 2014, he  had exchanges with someone in the "catch-all" Restoration Team that persuaded him that "nothing more had been handed over".

Tim offers his theory on Web 3 - it wasn't "stolen to order", nor withheld by Phil, but rather the stories returned in 2013 were sent back "piecemeal", a couple of episodes at a time, and thus Tim believes it was simply lost in the post.

Finally, Tim says he was told by an "authority" that The Crusade would be on the season 2 blu-ray set complete, which did not eventuate.

8 - The 42 to Doomsday podcast speaks to university Professor Jason Bainbridge who is curating the deceased estate being sorted by Aron Challinger.

Meanwhile, Philip Morris appears on YouTube channel Gobby Guy to discuss 10 years of the return of Enemy and Web and missing episodes in general. Morris states that he had expected The Abominable Snowmen to be in Jos with the other two serials, but this did not eventuate.

11 - Fantom Films announce that Philip Morris, Paul Vanezis and Sue Malden will attend their Utopia 2023 event on 4 June.

12 - Fantom announce that Peter Purves will also attend Utopia.


8 - Midland Arts Centre update their website with the details of the Kaleidoscope 60th Anniversay of Doctor Who event. Unfortunately, no missing episode material will be featured.

31 - On Twitter, Stephen Cranford states that the collector who returned Galaxy 4: Airlock and The Underwater Menace episode 2, Terry Burnett, has passed away. Cranford also states that Terry's collection was never properly catalogued but he is now sorting through it from the safety of an archive.


1 - On MEF, Mark Vanderlinde-Abernathy reports on Twitter announcements from Richard Latto and Stephen Cranford - the film collection of deceased collector Terry Burnett is now being curated. Latto and a friend are sorting through it, and while there is a lack of vinegar smell which is a good sign, the sorting process could take many months.

2 - According to Matthew Purchase on Twitter, at the Utopia Event Philip Morris has said that the "missing episode number of 97 will go down very soon". This was apparently said in front of Paul Vanezis, who said nothing to contradict or debunk the statement.

Meanwhile, Morris also reportedly stated he knows of six episodes in private collections, with Paul Vanezis clarifying on Twitter that he knows of up to three.

3 - At the Utopia 2023 Event, Richard Unwin on Twitter confirms the "promise" made by Morris that the number of missing episodes will go down.

5 - On MEF, deleted member jakeymanipod reports that Peter Purves has said at Utopia Convention that The Celestial Toymaker is the next story to be animated, but he can't say anything more about it.

6 - On PMF, members Knux and Scot Ferre report that the GB ME thread has been locked, and posts made by Ian Levine angry at Philip Morris have been deleted.

It is the first time in some years that the GB thread has been locked and purged.

7 - On MEF, member Ray Badrick clarifies that Morris did not say "very soon", but that the number of missing episodes "would come down".

9 - The Mirror weighs in on the comments made by Morris at Utopia. The six episodes with collectors comprise four in the UK and two overseas.

10 - On Digital Spy Forum (DSF), member Marcus Scarman speculates that recent mentions of episodes with collectors and rumours of The Smugglers being animated could be a hint that two episodes of this serial have been found and will be on the release later this year.

19 - On PMF, member NoSoul says they can see currently missing episodes listed on the Apple iTunes website - namely, two episodes of The Myth Makers, 2 from The Smugglers, one from The Highlanders and two from The Space Pirates

20 - Again on PMF, member Windbag says they can see three episodes of The Space Pirates on the iTunes site.


11 - On MEF, in a discussion thread about Blue Peter's borrowing of episode 4 of The Daleks' Master Plan, Richard Bignell states that the Film Library were expecting the episode back hence it wasn't "snipped and binned", as a poster upthread stated, and further that as far as BP were concerned they sent it back - but the print just didn't make it to where it was supposed to go.

Richard further speculates that it could have ended up back at Villiers House.

17 - The DWMEP drops their episode on The War Machines. Jon Preddle provides fascinating insight into the distribution of Doctor Who episodes around Africa, with particular reference to the records around royalty fees. Jon also gives some intriguing speculation as to which episodes might have ended up where.

18 - On GB, Ian Levine makes an intriguing post (and not in the ME thread) - that "something special" may be coming from "Doctor Who home video" that will be a "surprise". He clarifies that he has not said it will be missing episodes, but it could be a combination of "restored episodes and animated episodes". 

22 - On GB, member Scot Ferre responds to an enquiry about the deceased estate of Terry Burnett, saying that a missing episode of Hugh and I was found. However member JayJohn posts that this episode was already known about but not announced.


2 - With the re-opening of the GB thread, Scot Ferre posts a link to an article featuring Chris Perry, CEO of Kaleidoscope. Perry claims that "dozens" of missing episodes of Doctor Who exist in private collections but their owners won't part with them.

4 - In a response to The Space Pirate on GB, Richard Bignell alludes to Doctor Who fans out there who may be holding back "unique items" from the rest of us. This response was in the context of a conversation about private collectors not returning episodes missing from the archives.

9 - On PMF, Scot Ferre posts a link to a fascinating non-Who forum post where it's revealed the the original 35mm film can of Strawberry Fields Forever has been found among a Dutch collection of 300,000 cans.

11 - The BBC release a teaser for the animation of The Underwater Menace on DVD.


16 - The DWMEP posts a fascinating interview with two film collectors and Paul Vanezis. The interviews shine a light on the world of private collectors and Paul states that the Burnett prints originated from another collector who has since passed away.

Of interest to those of us interested in missing episodes, the two collectors - John Clancy and John Franklin - are launching an initiative to connect collectors with television archives in an effort to preserve television on film. Further, the Johns are holding a film collecting event called Film is Fabulous in October 2023 in Leicester. Could these initiatives lead to recoveries of missing episodes?

25 - On Roobarbs, member doctorindistress says there is a rumour going round that The Space Pirates has been found. The member gives no further provenance for this assertion.

27 - YouTube channel The Time Scales does a 3.5 hour interview with Ian Levine (see October 3).


1  On MEF, member tburchell raises the Space Pirates rumour, but again, with no provenance.

3 - On Roobarbs, discussing the recent online interview with Ian Levine, member Scooty lists the episodes that Ian states he believes currently exist with private collectors:

Galaxy Four, episode 4

The Myth Makers, episodes 2 & 4

The Smugglers, episodes 2 & 4

The Highlanders, episode 2

The Space Pirates, episodes 4, 5 & 6

This is weirdly coincident with the earlier claim on Roobarbs that the latter serial has been "found".

7 - On GB, Richard Bignell concedes that BBC Enterprises may have had its own set of positive prints of The Daleks' Master Plan, in addition to the set of audition prints sent to Australia. The Enterprises set, he surmises, may well be the source of the three extant episodes held by the BBC at present.

10 - This date marks the tenth anniversary of the reveal of the finds of The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear. The date passes without incident.

On GB, in addressing the possibility of Australia having more than one set of film prints for Doctor Who serials, Paul Vanezis states that rather than there having been multiple sets of films there may have been "taped copies" of the episodes. Which raises the question - do these taped copies still exist, and who might be in possession of them?

20 - On MEF, Paul Vanezis announces three finds from Film is Fabulous, including the very first episode of 1960's series The Troubleshooters. Paul says he hopes to announce more finds soon.

26 - The BBC publishes an article on its website about the Film is Fabulous finds.

They state that one of the recovered episodes was found in the episode of a deceased collector who had "hundreds" of films.

29 and 30 - The YouTube channel for the Cinema and Television History Research Institute (CATHI) hosts three livestreams as part of Film is Fabulous. Steve Roberts features in part 1 and Paul Vanezis in part 2; Sue Malden takes part in both parts 1 and 2.

Link to part 1 - Archiving

Link to part 2 - Television

Link to part 3 - Feature Films.

At 27:00 in the Archiving livestream, Steve Roberts mentions that in addition to the three television episodes found recently (see October 20), a further find will be announced in the following session. 

At around 13:30 in the Television livestream, Dick Fiddy of the BFI mentions that items went missing from the Bob Monkhouse collection after he died, which the BFI knew were there from a previous inspection. And Paul reiterates his view that items were making their way from Villiers House direct into the hands of collectors as the items were being disposed of.

At 26:45, Paul announces the fourth find is an episode of The Basil Brush Show, recovered from the collection of someone who has died.

30 - On MEF, Paul Vanezis announces that Film is Fabulous has unearthed a "near perfect" condition print of an edition of The Basil Brush Show.

And finally, ScreenRant publishes an article that missing episodes of Doctor Who will be released by the BBC on the BBC Sounds app in "podcast format", with surviving audio from the existing episodes and narration from some of the programs' stars.

31 - On MEF, Paul Vanezis states there is another recovered missing episode to be announced by the end of November - it is not Doctor Who, however. 

Paul further says that a total of 17 missing episodes were expected to be announced at the event, but three collectors weren't able to attend and one only brought a single episode.


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2025 January 8 - the new year kicks off with a lengthy post  on GB from Aron Challinger, stating that the delays with curating the Melbourne...