Well we've made it - it's 2023, and Doctor Who of course turns 60 this year.
On re-reading over this blog, one is reminded of the previous anniversary year of 2013 - and naturally, one can't help but speculate whether this year will be the year of further missing episode returns.
The elation felt throughout the fan community in October 2013 was unparalleled, but to me the point is this: the elation came about precisely because there was such an intense build up prior. It's amazing to look back and see just how much information was circulating, and how many people whose information proved to have substance.
It's clear to me reading back over the timeline that more episodes are with private collectors, and this could include Mr Morris himself. However, being generous, one could say that such a massive and unprecedented project could indeed take many years to be completed. When one considers the time it takes to fulfil contracts, to secure the returns and repatriate material, to negotiate with a potential buyer of the material, to physically restore all the items - it becomes clear that much time could elapse before these things are resolved.
And so it brings me to hope - the hope that maybe, just maybe, ten years since the triumphant return of two beloved stories from the 1960s, could we finally be in a position to welcome back further lost stories?
Time of course will tell. I can only hope that all the factors in play for the relevant parties are finally mutually favourable and things can move forward.
Here's hoping for a spectacular anniversary year.
Edit: 01 Feb 2023 - as luck would have it, I found out that a work colleague's wife actually worked at ABC at Gore Hill during the time it was still operating! (The site of the rumoured reels of Daleks' Master Plan). Naturally, being a tragic Whovian I asked if he would ask her if she knew of any reels of Doctor Who being stored there. Sadly as a humble production assistant she didn't, but hey, it was worth asking. I am a big believer in always keeping my ears open and following up leads.
Update: 17 Feb 2023 - added to the Big Reveal post, where a member of a Digital Spy forum posted that a post on Facebook broke the news early!
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